Ayano Aishi is a student of the prestigious Akademi High School. A school owned by the wealthiest family in Buraza town: the Saikou family. Her only goal in life is to get noticed by her loved one "Senpai". Sadly, multiple other girls are looking for his attention. Help Ayano to get Senpai and get graduated.
This is a fan game of Yandere Simulator made with RPG MAKER MV.
After the "success" of the first game, I decided to realize the second part of the game with Chibi Yandere and stop the previous project.
The game Chibi Yandere 2 was crafted after working on it in secret. Despite the initial excitement, the game did not meet the interest it was supposed to. I decided to my effort in crafting "Chibi Yandere Complete Edition". A version that will regroup the two games in one with major improvements. Ayano
Planning with the list of events during the game.
Click on the excel icon to get the file.
List of the students with their stats, class and clubs.
Click on the excel icon to get the file.
Chibi Yandere Complete Edition as a lot of mechanics to keep in mind. I will upload rules and official guidelines in this Itch.io page.
Currently we have the following guides:
Other guides will come in the future.